

What does three squares equal?

Updated: 10/17/2024
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14y ago

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Three squared is equal to 9. To square a number, means that you multiple the number or integer by itself, such as 3 x 3.

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14y ago

A square to the third power. Shown below



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Well, squares do have equal sides but rectangles have two pairs of equal sides

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You can make three squares

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One of the properties of squares is four equal sides. Rectangles don't have equal sides

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There are 64 squares on a chessboard.

Is a sqare always a rectangle?

no, but a square is always a rectangle. You see, squares have 4 equal sides. Rectangles don't HAVE to have 4 equal sides, but one side is equal to the opposite. So, all squares are rectangles, but not are rectangles are squares.

What shape is a square but not a parelellogram?

No shape is a square but not a parallelogram as all squares are parallelograms: All parallelograms have opposite sides parallel and of equal length, and opposite angles are equal. All squares have opposite sides that are parallel and of equal length, and opposite angles are equal; thus all squares are parallelograms. However, all squares also have all angles equal to 90o and all four sides equal, but some parallelograms have angles not all 90o and/or not all four sides of equal length; thus not all parallelograms are squares.

Are all squares are rhombi?

All squares are a special type of rhombi. The special feature is that all angles of squares are equal.

Are edges of a cube congruent?

Yes, because it is made of congruent squares or equal squares.