trigonometery uses the ratios of sides and angles of a right angled triangle for calculations
Bye guys, hope that helped ya
Students are taught trigonometry so they meet the needs in architecture, astronomy and in other fields because trigonometry is the branch of Maths and maths is being used everywhere.
the interesting maths model is trigonometry and geometry
The uses of Sin, Cos etc. in Maths is in relation to Trigonometry. Trigonometry is the study of the relationship between angles and lengths of triangles.
Term to Term rule in Maths is how much you go up or down in. e.g 1,2,3,4,5,6 would be +1
maths is important in astronomy algibra and trigonometry
Trigonometry and the Pythagoras theorem were used in the pyramids.
It is not a mathematical term - it is not specific enough.
A formula with an equal sign
Geomerty And Alegrba II (With trigonometry)
How often a graph repeats itself; this is used often in trigonometry.
It is a term used it probability which mean the frequency of something occuring