Eight times twenty-five times twenty-three is equal to 4,600.
To write 3.28 in words, you would say "three point two eight." This represents the numerical value of 3.28 in a verbal format, with "point" indicating the decimal place between the whole number and the decimal fraction.
Three eights are equal to a value of twenty four when added together. When they are multiplied eight to the third power is equal to 512.
No, eight eighths is not equal to three fourths. 8/8 is one whole and 3/4 is not. 3/4 equals 6/8 when using common denominators.
the answer is 1/8
"Twenty-three and two hundred eight thousandths." or "Twenty-three point two zero eight." or "Twenty-three point two oh eight."
The number 23.08 is "twenty-three and eight hundredths" but could be spoken as "twenty-three point zero eight." The currency value $23.08 is "twenty-three dollars and eight cents."
Yes. three eights plus one eight equals 4 eights, or one half
24,328 = twenty-four thousand, three hundred twenty-eight.24.328 = twenty-four and three hundred twenty-eight thousandths.