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Q: What factor is paired with12 to give 48?
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What factor is paired with 6 to give 48-?

6 is paired with 8 in order to give you 48. 6x8=48

What factor is paired to give 6 to give 48?

6 x 8 = 48

What factor is paired with 12 to give 48?

Your answer is 4!

What factor is paired with 12 to give48 What factor is paired with?

12 x 4 = 48

What factor is paired with 6 to make 48?

6*8 = 48

What factor is paired with 12 and 48?

4 pairs with 12 to make 48

What factors are paired with 6 to give 48?


What factors are paired up with 12 to give 48?

The answer is 4 because if you u multiply12times3 equal 36 but if you add 12 more it come out to be 48 so 4 is paired with 12to get 48

What factor is paried with 16 to give 48?

16 x 3 = 48

What factor is pared with 6 to give 48?

6 x 8 = 48

What number is paired with 6 to give 48?

With multiplication, 8 With addition, 42 With subtraction, 54 With division, 288

What is the factor of the least factor of 48 to the greatest factor of 48?

1 to 48