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Landmasses , map projections that show the correct size of landmasses are called equal-area maps. In order to show the correct size of the landmasses, the map usually distort shapes . This distortion is usually greater at the edges of the map and less at the center

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A equal-area map shows the "true" size of Australia.

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What is the The difference between Mercator map and equal area map?

Equal-Area maps are more of the true shape, and mercator distorts it more

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The scale of the map allows distances to be measured. For instance: a map scale of 1:50 000 means that 1cm on the map is equal to 50,000cm on the land. Contour lines are lines of equal height, and allows the height and slope of hills, valleys, etc, on the map to be estimated.

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What map shows accurate size and shape?

The "Peter Projection" (also called the Gall-Peters projection) has accurate relative areas but distorted shapes. It is is one specialization of a configurable equal-area map projection known as the equal-area cylindric.These projections preserve area:Gall orthographic (also known as Gall-Peters, or Peters, projection)Albers conicLambert azimuthal equal-areaLambert cylindrical equal-areaMollweideHammerBriesemeisterSinusoidalWernerBonneBottomleyGoode's homolosineHobo-DyerCollignonTobler hyperelliptical

What are the 4 ways in which maps can be distorted?

A map can be distorted by shapes, sizes, lines of latitude and longitude and politics,

How is the mercator map distorted?

It displays the world as flat and rectangular when it is really round, so the image is distorted.

What is a vicinity map?

A 'vicinity map' is a map that illustrates the vicinity of whatever it is you are interested in - your town, your neighborhood, the area around ground zero of Hiroshima - whatever. It shows things which are in 'the vicinity' (the near area) of your central or main map feature.

What are some problems with cartogram maps?

A cartogram is a map that substitutes a different measure for land area or distance. The map then is generally greatly distorted in order to convey the information using this alternate variable.

What is the name of a map of the globe which is made by so that the scale is the same in any direction at any point?

A map projection drawn in such a way that an area on the map is proportional to the area on the globe is called an equal-area projection map.

What is gnomonic map?

a gnomonic map makes countries look longer, distorted, and hard to understand