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Gravitational potential energy = (weight of the object) x (height)


Potential energy = (mass) x (acceleration of gravity) x (height)

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Q: What formula do you use to determine the Gravitational potential energy of an object?
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What determine the gravitational potential enerygy of an object?

Look at the formula for gravitational potential energy. The clues are all there.

How do you find the gravitational potential energy?

Gravitational Potential Energy is equal to Potential Energy therefore the formula for GPE (Gravitational Potential Energy) is PE=mass x gravity x height therefore the formula is PE=mgh

How can you determine a objects potential energery?

If you mean gravitational potential energy, you use the formula PE = mgh (potential energy = mass x gravity x height).

How is the height of an object related to its potential energy?

The formula for potential energy is: G.P.E. (gravitational potential energy) = Weight x Height

Which two variables determine the gravitational potential energy of an object?

The formula for potential energy is PE = mgh (mass x gravity x height), so it depends on those three values.

What two factors determine potential gravitational energy?

Weight and height

What 2 factors determine gravitational potential energy?

Mass and distance

What are the three quantities that determine gravitational potential energy?

The mass and distance (weight and height) determine the potential energy. A third factor can be the relative motion of the objects, which does not change the potential but may determine its effect.

Will gravitational energy have more or less energy if its dropped higher?

Gravitational energy basically refers to gravitational potential energy. The formula is: GPE = mgh (i.e., mass x gravity x height) In other words at a higher position, an object has more gravitational potential energy. Please note that once an object is dropped, it no longer has such gravitational potential energy. The potential energy is converted to kinetic (movement) energy; which of course will be greater if the initial potential energy was greater.

The energy of position such as a rock on a hill is what energy?

Gravitational energy Potential energy

Is gravitational energy kinetic?

Gravitational energy is the potential energyassociated with the gravitational field.

What two factors determine the potential energy of an elevated object?

Potential energy can be descirbed in many forms: gravitational potential, electrical potential and so forth. For gravitational potential energy, the formula is E=mgh, where E is the gravitational potential energy, m is the mass of the object , g is the strength of the prevailent gravitational field and h is the height above that field. In this instance, the factors determing the potential energy are threefold; the mass, the gravitational field strength and the height. For electrical potential, the factors vary depending on what electrical field, componant or senario you are dealing with. In essence, an object has electrical potential energy when it has become charged (such as an Ion), or it is feeling the effects of conflicting magnetic feilds and motion (as in electro-magnetic induction).