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Q: What formula would you use to round the number in cell B5 to the nearest 10?
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How do you round 9.51 to the nearest whole number?

The nearest whole number would be 10

What is the smallest and largest number that rounds to 3600 to the nearest thousands?

No number if rounded to the nearest thousand would round to 3600. If you had to round the number 3600 to the nearest thousand, it would be approximately equal to 4000.

How do we Round 2345.5 to nearest whole number?

to round 2,345.5 to the nearest hundred we would round 345 to 300 so your answer would be 2300.5

Round 2.68 to the nearest whole number?

The nearest whole number would be 3, since 6 would cause the 2 to round up to 3.

Round 140.430 to the nearest whole number?

You would round it down to 140.

How do you round 17.64 to the nearest whole number?

You would round up: 18

How do you round the number 50.243 to the nearest tenth?

You would round it down to 50.2

How do you round in subtraction?

The formula used is shown below: The ROUND function would first round 63.39 to 63 and then subtract 0.01 to give 62.99. So, the function with a zero would round the number given to the nearest whole dollar. Once it is rounded, the formula would simply subtract 0.01 from the number to get a .99 value. if u can understand u r welcome :)

How does 29.35 round to 30 if 3 is after the decimal?

If you are rounding to the nearest whole number, 29.35 would round down to 29. If you are rounding to the nearest 5 or the nearest 10, it would round up to 30.

What is 33.7 to the nearest one?

I assume you mean to round it to the nearest whole number. In this case, you would round it up to 34

What would two round to?

To the nearest whole number: 2 To the nearest ten: Zero

How do you round the number 875 to the nearest tenth?

To the nearest tenth, it won't change. To the nearest ten, which you may have meant, you would round up to 880.