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Q: What fraction would come after five eighths on a number line divided into eighths?
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Is eighths fourths an inproper fraction?

Yes, 2 would be the mixed number.

What fraction divided by what mixed number equals to a whole number?

It would be an improper fraction.

What would three eighths be written as a fraction?


What is the reciprocal of a number?

the reciprocal of a number is 1 divided by the number. if you want to find the reciprocal of a fraction you would need to swap the fraction numbers around and then multiply by 1. and then divide the answer.It is 1 divided by the number.

What fraction of an inch is an eighths of an inch?

Would you believe that it is 1/8?

Would this be an improper fraction the smallest number that can be divided by two or more different denominators?

No. An improper fraction is a fraction whose numerator is larger than the denominator

What is the fraction value of pi?

Pi's fraction would be a never ending number divided by another never ending number, because pi is a never ending number. If you want the exact numbers of pi in fraction, it would be a really big number divided by a really big number. It's very difficult to find the fraction, so i cannot tell you what the exact fraction is.

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What is the fraction three eighths in decimal form?

It would be about 0.37, or 0.38 if you round up.

Whole number divided by fraction?

no no no that is not what they were asking you would divide a whole number by a fraction by putting the whole number over one making it an improper fraction then divide those as you would regular fractions ........ hope it helped :)

What is 8 divided by nine in a fraction?

8/9 that would be the fraction

What is three fourths divided by one sixth?

To divide a fraction by a fraction you multiply the first fraction, or dividend (number being divided), by the reciprocal (reversed, numerator becomes denominator and denominator becomes numerator) of the divisor (number dividing the divisor). In this case, 3/4 would be multiplied by 6/1 and the answer would be 18/4. Hope this helps :)