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Pi's fraction would be a never ending number divided by another never ending number, because pi is a never ending number. If you want the exact numbers of pi in fraction, it would be a really big number divided by a really big number. It's very difficult to find the fraction, so i cannot tell you what the exact fraction is.

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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โˆ™ 14y ago

That's easy. 22/7. That's 22 over 7.

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Fraction value of pi?

22/7 No! It's a joke. There is no fraction value for pi. Pi is an irrational number, meaning that it cannot be represented in fractional form.

What fraction is the closest to the actual value of pi?

One can define an infinite number of fractions to successively approximate pi, and get closer and closer to pi's value. There is no closest fraction to pi. No matter how close the fraction is to pi you can always find one that is closer.

Why the value of pie is 227?

Because 22/7 is the approximate value of pi as a fraction but the exact value of pi has never been determined.

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The value of pi is an irrational number because it cannot be expressed as a fraction

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It is an irrational number such as the value of pi

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One can define an infinite number of fractions to successively approximate pi, and get closer and closer to pi's value. There is no closest fraction to pi. No matter how close the fraction is to pi you can always find one that is closer

Where was pi found?

The value of pi is found by dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter and pi is an irrational number which means it can not be expressed as a fraction.

How do i find the value of p in mathematical problem?

If you mean the value of pi then its value is of a circle's circumference divided by its diameter and pi is an irrational number that can't be expressed as a fraction.

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The value of pi has never been proven becauase it is an irrational number which can not be expressed as a fraction

Why is a fraction of pi better then the decimal of pi?

Since pi is an irrational number it is impossible to represent the exact quantity as a decimal; you can only give and approximate value. However, if you write a fraction that includes the symbol for pi, you are giving an exact quantity.

Why is pi equal to 227?

22 divided by 7 is 3.14, making 22/7 the closest fraction to the value of pi.

Where did they do the calculation of pi?

The circumference of a circle when divided by its diameter is the value of pi which is an irrational number that can't be expressed as an exact fraction.