

What geometric shape has 9 edges?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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A nonagon has 9 edges.

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Q: What geometric shape has 9 edges?
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It is a triangular prism

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that is impossible!!! you cant have 2 edges make a shape

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Hey , its a Triangle

What is a non geometric shape?

A non geometric shape can be defined as shapes with irregular contours, and whose edges are not straight. On the other hand, geometric shapes are shapes with regular contours and straight edges such as squares, triangles, or circles. ~by Kate Wellsonberg

What geometric figure has 9 edges?

it's sides and the answer is a nonagon

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The only regular geometric shape that fits your description would be an elipse. That is a circular shape so it has no straight edges, and appears to be a squashed circle.

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pentagonal prism

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I believe it is a cone, a cylinder has three faces.

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It is a cuboid which has 6 faces, 12 edges and 8 vertices

What geometric shape has 6 edges and 4 faces?

It is a triangular based pyramid which also has 4 vertices.

What geometric shape has 3 faces 6 edges and 4 vertices?

The geometric shape that would almost match those characteristics is a triangular pyramid, as it would have four faces rather than three

What shape has 9 edges 9 vertices?
