

What geometric shape has three sides?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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A triangle.

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Q: What geometric shape has three sides?
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A pentagon has fives sides, or if you mean a three dimensional shape, a pyramid has five sides, four triangular and one square.

What cannot be a characteristic of a triangle?

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A geometric shape that has 11 sides is called a "hendecagon" or "undecagon." Both terms are acceptable.

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The geometric shape that has four unequal sides is called a trapezium. It is also known as a general irregular quadrilateral.

Is a triangle a geometric shape?

Yes and it has 3 sides.

How do you find the perimeter of a triangle when all three sides are given?

If you have the length of each of the three sides of a triangle, you can find the perimeter of (the distance around) the triangle by adding the length of the sides. Their sum will be the perimeter of this geometric shape.

A shape that has a set of parallel sides what is it called?

A geometric shape with only one set of parallel sides is a trapezoid.

What geometric shape is the earth?

The Earth is NOT a geometric shape because the Earth is not bounded; meaning it does not have sides or measurable depth, height, or width.

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A skuare