

What graph shows comparisons between data intervals?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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a histrogram

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Q: What graph shows comparisons between data intervals?
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What kind of graph shows comparisons?

Every graph shows comparisons of some kind or another.

What type of graph shows data separated into intervals?


Which type of graph shows data separated into intervals?

A histogram.

Does a line graph show comparisons?

Yes, it usually shows the relationships between several dependent variables and one independent.

A bar graph that shows the frequency data within equal intervals?

a histogram

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a graph law graph shows the relationship between pressure and volume

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What are often used on graphs to show statically comparisons?

A graph refers to a diagram that shows the relation between variable quantities. Bar graphs are often used to show statistical comparisons because they show the relevant data side by side.

What is the difference between a pie graph and a bar graph?

a pie graph shows percentages and a bar graph shows numbers and amounts

What type of graph best shows a comparison of several items or events a bar graph a line graph a pie chart or all of the above?

The answer depends on what the comparisons are. A bar graph and a pie chart will probably do well.

What does a graph of Charles law shows the relationship between?

A graph of Charles Law shows the relationship between temperature and volume of gas.

What is a bar graph that shows the number of data items that occur within each interval?

It could be a bar graph or a frequency polygon. Or, if the intervals are of different sizes, a histogram.