The greatest common factor of 42 depends upon the other numbers with which 42 has COMMON factors. However, the greatest common factor HAS to be one of the factors of 42 which are: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 42.
There cannot be a greatest common factor (GCF) of just one number. To be common there need to be at least two numbers. If you find all the factors of two or more numbers, and you find some factors are the same ("common"), then the largest of those common factors is the Greatest Common Factor.
THe GCF of 24, 60, and 96 is 12.Factors of 24=2x2x2x3Factors of 60=2x2x3x5Factors of 96=2x2x2x2x2x32x2x3=12=gcf
There cannot be a greatest common factor if there are not at least two numbers to compare. The greatest common factor is the largest factor that all the numbers have in common - the largest factor that they all share.
Well, honey, the greatest common factor of 64, 96, and 128 is 32. It's like finding the one friend who shows up to every party - dependable and always there when you need them. So, go ahead and thank good ol' 32 for being the life of the math party.
The greatest common factor, or GCF, is the largest positive integer that will divide evenly with no remainder into all the members of a given set of numbers. The least common multiple, or LCM, is the smallest positive integer that all the members of a given set of numbers will divide into evenly with no remainder. Factors go into numbers, numbers go into multiples.
Answer = 2Greatest common factor is largest number 20 or below they both go into evenly
1. There are no other common factors (noticed because 23 is prime and doesn't go into 50)
it would be the greatest common factor.. ( no and) which is seen abreviated as GCF its basically all whole numbers that can go into 20 so 1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20
All numbers have factors. Some numbers have some of the same factors as other numbers. These are known as common factors. 3 is a factor of 9. 3 is a factor of 15. 3 is a common factor of 9 and 15.
Any of its factors including itself
Oh, what a happy little question! The greatest common factor of 14 and 49 is 7. You see, just like painting a beautiful landscape, finding the greatest common factor is all about finding the largest number that can divide evenly into both numbers. Just remember, there are no mistakes in math, only happy little accidents!