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you get more negative

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Q: What happends when you add a positive number to a smaller negative number?
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What happends when you divide a positive number by a negative number?

The result is negative in this case.

What happends when you divide a negative number?

When you divide a negative number by a positive number or a positive number by a negative number, the division is done the same way as when both numbers are positive, and the quotient is negative. When dividing a negative number by a negative number, divide as usual, and the quotient is positive. + ÷ + = + + ÷ - = - - ÷ + = - - ÷ - = + + x + = + + x - = - - x + = - - x - = +

Does a positive number minus a negative number equal a positive number or a negative number?

Positive. A negative number added to a positive would reduce the original to a smaller positive, to zero, or to a negative depending on their relative values but subtracting a negative number from a positive number will always increase the value of the positive.

If a negative number is smaller than a positive number and you multiply them what does it equal?

A negative multiplied by a positive will always end in a negative number regardless of which number is deemed larger.

Is a positive number bigger or smaller than a negative number?

It is bigger

If the bigger number is positive and the smaller number is a negative. Would the answer be a negative or a positive?


Is zero a positive or negative?

0 is a neutral number. zero is nor positive or negative because NEGITIVE being a number smaller than zero POSITIVE being a number bigger than zero so since zero isn't being smaller or bigger zero isn't positive or negative

What is negative plus positive?

It depends on the magnitude of the negative and positive values. Equal magnitudes equal zero. -2 + 2 = 0 Larger negative number than positive number equals a negative number. -3 + 2 = -1 Smaller negative number than positive number equals a positive number. -2 + 3 = 1

What do you get when you subtract a positive from a positive?

Depends. If you are subtracting a bigger number from a smaller number, such as 3 - 5, you will get a negative result, -2. If you are subtracting a smaller number from a bigger number, such as 12 - 3 you will get a positive result, 9.

Are negative numbers bigger than positive numbers?

no negative numbers are always smaller than positive numbers..... you can draw out a numberline and see any number to the left of the number zero is negative and to the right is positive

Is the difference of two positive numbers positive or negative?

If you are asking how many numbers difference is there between two numbers, then it will be positive. If you are referring to subtraction, if the number you are subtracting from is the larger number, it will be positive. If it is smaller it will be negative. 3 - 2 = 1 (3, the number being subtracted from, is larger, so the answer is positive) 2 - 3 = -1 (2, the number being subtracted from, is smaller, so the answer is negative)

How do you find difference a negative number and a positive number?

to find the difference between a negative number and a positive number, you do the same thing as you would do for a positive and positive number. You just subtract the smaller number (which would of course be the negative) from the larger number (the positive). example: difference between 7 and -4 7 - (-4) = 11