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Q: What happens to bedload size and shape downstream?
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Why does the Bedload size become smaller and more rounded as you go downstream?


Does the rivers velocity affect the rivers bed load shape and size?

Faster river velocities are capable of carrying greater amounts of bedload and transporting them farther and faster. The shape of the sediments of the bedload would therefore be exposed to more physical weathering which would progressively round the sediments and also decrease their size.

How do you calculate bedload size?

You cannot:)

Why why does bed load change as it goes downstream?

The size of the pebble will decrease down stream because the further downstream you go the quicker the river velocity. This means there will be more abrasion against the sides and bed of the river and the friction will be greater, this wears away the river load making it decrease in size. Increase velocity means that bigger material will be picked up by the river and carried as river load. More load in the river and increased size of load will mean more attrition and the river load will keep colliding into each other smoothening and rounding their shape. Brap brap !!

Why does bed load decrease in size?

The bedload becomes smaller when the river is flowing downstream, and the rocks also become smaller, smoother and rounder due to attrition and abrasion. (The reason the flow slows down is because the energy of the flow decreases.)

Why does load particle size decrease downstream?

Because attrition has occured which makes rocks and pebbles more rounded. Whilst this happens the rocks will also become slightly smaller

The average sediment size decreases downstream?

As the rocks collide together they get smaller, so then the smaller ones are deposited further downstream, this is known as attrition.

What happens when the curves of a globe become straight lines on a map?

distortion of a size, shape, distance, or area occurs.

Which state of matter has a definite size but no definite shape?

A liquid has a definite size but no definite shape. In contrast, a solid has definite size and shape, and a gas has no definite size or shape.

Does congruent mean having the same size and shape?

Yes, it does. A congruent shape has the same shape and size as another shape. A shape that is similar is the same shape, just a different size, like a proportion.

What is the error in shape size or distance?

error in shape,size,or distance

Does gas have a no definit size or shape?

Nope!! No definite shape or size!