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The circumference also doubles.

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Q: What happens to the circumference of a circle if you double the radius?
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What happens if double the diameter?

Nothing happens. A person sitting next to you won't know that you did anything to your circle. But you'll have a bigger circle. The radius will be double the originasl radius. The circumference will be double the original circumference. The area will be four times the original area.

What is the circumference of a circle when the radius is 2.3 m?

4.6m. The circumference is double the radius.

What happens to the circumference of a circle when the radius doubles?

If the radius of a circle doubles, the circumference doubles, and so does the diameter.

What is the circumference of a circle with a radius of 15.5cm?

the equation for the circumference is Pi * double the radius which is 3.1416 * 15.5 * 2 The circumference of a circle with a radius of 15.5cm is 97.3cm.

As the diameter of the circle increases what happens to the circumference?

The circumference of a circle increases with an increase in the radius as it is directly proportional its radius.

What happens to the circumference of a circle when the radius is doubles?

The circumference also doubles.

What is the circumference of a circle with radius of 4.5 m?

The circumference of any circle is (pi) x (diameter),and of course, the diameter is double the radius.

How do you get the diameter of circle if you don't have the circumference?

Double the radius.

What is the circumference of a 3 inch circle?

circumference= pi(3.14) by the diameter. if your given the radius, double the radius and times by pi.

How do you get the circumference of a circle if you have the radius?

Easy. First, double the radius to get the diameter. Next, multiply the diameter by pi (about 3.1416). The result is the circumference of the circle.

How do you find the circumference of a circle with the radius of 22.3MM?

Double the radius and multiply by pi

What happens to the circumference of a circle if youndouble the radius?

Circumference = 2 x π x radius double radius: new_circumference = 2 x π x (radius x 2) = (2 x π x radius) x 2 = circumference x 2 → if the radius is doubled, the circumference is doubled.