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Q: What happens to the circumference of a circle when its radius is cut in half?
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What is the radius of a circumference circle?

radius is half the diameter of a circle.

What is the radius of a circle with the circumference of 4?

2, because the radius is half of the circumference

How does the circumference compare to the radius of the circle?

Well the radius is only half of the line on the circle the circumference is all around

How do you find the radius in a circle?

The radius of a circle is half the diameter or half the circumference divided by pi (3.1416).

What is the relationship between the Radius to the circumference?

The circumference is ALL the way around the circle, while the radius is only HALF way into the middle of the circle. I'm guessing you meant "What is the relationship between the radius of a circle and its circumference?" Radius is half of the diameter of a circle, circumference is PI times diameter; therefore, the circumference is PI times two times radius.

What is PIE multiply Radius of an circle?

Will give the circumference of half of the circle.

How to find the radius of a circle with the circumference?

Divide circumference by pi, that gives diameter. Radius is half of diameter

If you Give a circle with a diameter of 4 what is the circumference?

the equation for the circumference of a circle is 2*radius*pi, or since the radius is half of the diameter 2*radius=diameter, we can simplify the equation to the circumference of a circle=diameter*pi

What is the circumference if a circle has a radius of 226.08dm and a diameter of 36dm?

Such a circle is impossible. The radius of a circle is half its diameter.

What is the ratio of a circle's circumference called?

The ratio of a circle's circumference to its area is called the reciprocal of half the radius. The ratio of the circumference to its radius is called two times pi.

What is the equation for the circumference and radius?

The equation for circumference is 2(3.14)(r) or 3.14(d) where r=radius and d=diameter. The radius of a circle is half of the circumference, or the distance across the interior of a circle.

What is the radiss?

The radius is half of the diameter of a circle, or the distance from the center of the circle to the circumference.