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If your asking what happens when you add a negative integer to a positive integer, in terms of one being the counting number and one being the whole number the answer is nothing. They would cancel each other out. Speaking in sets (counting numbers being 1,2,34 etc.) they would all be 0 if negative integers were added. There would be digits, but nothing more then that.

1234 would be 0000, Turning the numbers from positive integers to non-negative integers.

Or if its 5+ -1 & -2 & -3, -1 and -2 being the counting numbers and 5 being the whole number the answer would be -1

Now either this question had a really simple answer, or its beyond me. I figure its the latter because its pretty obvious that 1 + -1 =0, But if I have answered the question that probably means that 'someone' was just trying to make it look a little more clever than it really was.

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Q: What happens when you add the opposites of the counting numbers to the set of whole numbers?
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