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nothing it will always be positive.

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Q: What happens when you multiply a positive number by a positive more than one?
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Dividing by a number (between 0 and 1) will result in a higher magnitude number than the original. If the number was positive, then it will be a bigger number, if the number was negative, the answer will be 'more negative'

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That's because 0.01 is less than one.If you multiply a number by 1, you get the same number back. If you multiply a positive number by a number that is less than one, you get back a number that is less than your original number. Similarly, if you multiply a positive number with something that is more than one, you get a result that is more than your original number.

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You get 4 more than you started with.

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Yes!.. Think of a number line, zero in the middle, negative to the left, positive to the right. If you start on the right (positive) and go a bit more right (more positive)... you'll still be on the right (positive)

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if both are positive or if both are negative