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Five people and one racoon, horse, mouse, squirrel, turtle, or dog.

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Q: What has 14 legs 6 heads 12 ears and 1 tail?
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What Has 12 legs 4 heads 8 ears 20 fingers 2 tails?

Two men and two dogs

If you have 12 legs and 12 arms and 8 heads what are you?

a spider monkey

7 girls each girl has 7 cats each has 7 kittens how many legs?

does each girl have seven cats or one cat each? there are 406 legs There are 10,990. 7 girls, 49 backbacks, 343 big cats 2401 small cats. girls, 14 legs 1,372 big cat legs, 9,604 kitten legs.

You have twelve heads sixteen tongues twenty four legs who are you?

12 armless people, two of whom are wearing pairs of lace-up shoes.

How many body parts does a howler monkey have?

A monkey has 12 main body parts that allows them to live safely. They help them move, sleep, hunt, eat, and walk. These 12 main parts are legs, arms, face, head, toes, ears, tail, body, eyes, nose, mouth, and fingers. They help them see and other important things they have to do.

Is animals with 12 legs an insects?

There are no known animals that have 12 legs. An insect does not have 12 legs, instead it has half, it has six legs.

What animal has 14 legs 6 heads 12 ears 50 fingers and one tail who could be in this group?

That animal is called a typolasula, it is found in the north pole. A man and his wife discovered it when they went up there to see the penguins. They said it was the uglyest thing they have ever seen, and were so scared that they went home.It eats penguins scince its the only thing on land, they can't swim, and they only come out at night. There is only 2 left in the world, so if you see one you are very lucky in a way. People say if you see one it can give you good luck.

How many bones does dinosaur minmi have?

about 128-152 bones altogether in tail: 42-57 in neck: 8-16 in legs:6-12 in skeleton: 59-67

How long does it take for a tadpole to grow legs?

The legs start sprouting at 6 - 9 weeks, and most look like tiny frogs at 12 weeks when the tail falls off.

If there are 15 more ducks than pigs in a farm If there are 102 legs how many pigs are there?

There are 12 pigs 15 ducks have 30 legs 102 legs - 30 legs = 72 legs. Pigs have four legs, ducks have two legs 72 legs divided by 6 = 12 12 ducks having 24 legs 12 pigs having 48 legs 24 + 24 + 30 = 102

How many legs do slaters have?

Slaters actually have 12 legs. They have 6 pairs of legs on each leg. When you multiply 6 times 2, you get 12 legs overall.

And animal with 12 legs and exoskeletons?

Those things are called crayfish with 12 legs and a exoskeleton .