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Q: What has 1 set parallel sides and 3 sets of perpendicular sides?
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What shape has 1 set of parallel sides and 2 sets of perpendicular sides?


Does a square has perpendicular lines?

Yes. There are two sets of sides in a square which are parallel to each other and are perpendicular to the other set. Perpendicular means "at 90 degrees to". Hope this helps you.

What shape has 1 set of parallel sides 2 sets of perpendicular sides?

It could be a trapezoid having 2 right angles, an obtuse angle and an acute angle

What shape has 3 set of parallel sides no perpendicular?


Does a rhombus have 1 set of parallel sides?

No, a rhombus has 2 pairs of parallel sides.

What is the shape of one set of parallel sides and no perpendicular sides?

I think this person means the trapazoid. It has only one pair of parallel sides.

What geometric shape has 1 set of parallel sides and no perpendicular?

It could be a trapezoid

A quadrilateral that is not a parallelogram?

A trapazoid has only has to have 1 set parallel sides a parallelogram is 2 sets of parallel sides

What shape has 1 set of parallel sides and 2 sets pedpendicular sides?


Does a trapezoid hvae two sets of parallel sides?

No a trapezoid has only one set of opposite parallel sides of different lengths.

How many parallel sides does an rectangle have?

There are two sets of parallel lines in a rectangle, which is to say each of the two sides are parallel to each other.A rectangle has two set of parallel sides

Does a quadrilateral have opposite sides that are parallel?

Only if it is a trapezoid (US usage) with one set of parallel sides, or a parallelogram with both sets of opposite sides parallel. The term quadrilateral only means that the shape has 4 sides.