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A square or a rectangle.

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Q: What has 2 pairs of parallel sides and 4 square corners?
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What shapes has 2 pairs of parallel sides and no square corners?

A parallelogram has 2 pairs of parallel sides, and provided that it isn't a square, it has no square corners. If necessary, you could call it an "oblique parallelogram" to indicate that it isn't square.

Does a square have two pairs of parallel sides?

Yes, a square has two pairs of parallel sides.

How many pairs of parallel sides does a square have?

A square has two pairs of parallel sides.It has two pairs of parallel sides.

All square and rectangles parallelograms?

Yes. A parallelogram has two pairs of parallel sides. If the corners are all right angles, then the parallelogram is a rectangle, and if all sides are of equal length, it is also a square. It's impossible to make a square or rectangle, without them having two pairs of parallel sides.

How many pairs of parallel sides does a regular square have?

A regular square has 2 pairs of equal opposite parallel sides

Does a sqare have 1 pair of parell sides?

A square has 2 pairs of opposite parallel sides

Does a rhombus have 1 pair of parallel sides 2 of the angles are square corners?

None of that is true of a rhombus. -- A rhombus must have two pairs of parallel sides. -- A rhombus need not have any square corners. But if it has any at all, then it has four of them, and most people looking at it would call it a square.

A polygon with 4 equal sides and two pairs of parallel sides?

This is called a square or a rhombus. If the vertices of the four corners are all right angles, it is a square. Otherwise it is a rhombus.

What has 4 right angles and 2 pairs of parallel sides?

A rectangle has 4 right angles and 2 pairs of parallel sides.

Why is a square both a rhombus and a rectangle?

A square is a rectangle. A square is a rectangle with equal sides. A rectangle Has to have 4 right angles (and only 4 corners). A Square has the same definition (4 right angles, and only 4 corners) but all the sides have to be equal. A square is not a rhombus. A rhombus is a parallelogram with equal sides. A parallelogram has to have 4 sides (2 pairs of equal sides.) The equal sides must be parallel. A rhombus has the same definition (4 sides - 2 pairs of equal sides. The equal sides must be parallel.) but all the sides have to be equal lengths.

How many parallel sides does a square have?

A square has four parallel sides (two pairs of parallel sides).

What has two pairs of parallel sides and all sides are equivalent?

A square or a rhombus has two pairs of parallel sides and all sides are equivalent.