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A square or a rhombus has two pairs of parallel sides and all sides are equivalent.

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Q: What has two pairs of parallel sides and all sides are equivalent?
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How many pairs of parallel sides are in a prarallelogram?

All parallelograms have two pairs of parallel sides.

Does a parallelogram have two pairs of opposite sides parallel?

Yes it does. All the four sides have an opposite. The opposites are parallel so in a parallelogram there are two pairs of parallel sides.

Does a polygon have two pairs of parallel sides?

Not all polygon have two pairs of parallel sides. For example, a square will, but not a triangle.

Does a octagon have to have two pairs of parallel sides?

It depends on the actual shape of that octagon. It CAN have two pairs of parallel sides. A regular octagon has 4 pairs of parallel sides.

How many sides of a cube are parallel?

There are 3 pairs of parallel sides. All 6 sides are parallel to 1 other side.

Which quadrilateral can have two pairs of parallel sides and sides that are not all congruent?

A parallelogram has two pairs of congruent sides.

How many parallel sides does an octagon have?

An octagon can have 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 parallel sides. A regular octagon has 4 pairs of 2 parallel sides, (8 parallel sides in all).

What quadrilateral has exactly 2 pairs of parallel sides no right angles and all sides are the same length?

A Rhombus had 2 pairs of parallel sides and has NO right angles. :)

Two pairs of parallel sides and all angles congruent?

Two different quadrilaterals have two pairs of parallel sides and have all their angles congruent. They are the square and the rectangle.

What parallelogram has 2 pairs of equal parallel sides 2 pairs of equal sides and 4 right angles?

A sqare two pairs of parallel sides each corner is a right angle and all sides are equal.

Do all four sides of a parallelogram must be parallel?

There are 2 pairs of parallel sides in a parallelogram. Each pair of opposite sides are parallel. Adjacent sides are not parallel (they intersect).

A 4 sided shape with 2 pars of parallel side a sqashed sqare?

No, it's a parallelogram.If there are 2 pairs of parallel sides AND all the sides are of equal length, it's a rhombusIf there are 2 pairs of parallel sides AND all the angles are of equal measure, it's a rectangle.If there are 2 pairs of parallel sides AND all the sides are of equal length, AND all the angles are of equal measure, then it's a square.