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A square based pyramid.

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Q: What has three dimensional that has 4 triangular and a square bottom?
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What three dimensional shape is a tent?

Depends on the tent. if it has a square bottom, and a triangular base. and triangular sides, then it would be a pyramid. A more general answer would be a polyhedron.

What three dimensional shape has 1 square base?

a triangular pyramid

What is the name for a three-dimensional shape with one square face and four triangular faces?

A Pyramid

What three-dimensional figure has faces in both of square and triangular?

There are many possible answers but the most likely one, for your level, is a triangular prism.

What is a three dimensional figure with only one base?

# Square Pyramid # Rectangular Pyramid # Triangular Pyramid

Is a triangular pyramid a three dimensional figure?

A triangular pyramid is a pyramid with a triangular base; all pyramids are by definition three-dimensional figures, so a triangular pyramid is indeed 3D.

What three dimensional figure has two triangular bases?

a triangular prism

What three dimensional shapes has 4 triangular faces?

triangular pyramaid

Which three-dimensional figure has all triangular faces?

Tetrahedron has three sides and a base all triangular.

What three dimensional shape has 6 triangular faces?

A triangular dipyramid.A triangular dipyramid.A triangular dipyramid.A triangular dipyramid.

Definition of a square pyramid?

A pyramid with a square base, like the great pyramids of Egypt or Mexico. The bottom is square and they have four equal and identical triangular sides. This makes them different from a tetrahedron, a pyramid with a triangular base and three triangular sides.

Does a triangular prism is a three dimensional shape?
