

What has two equal sides and two equal angles?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Isosoles triangle

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Q: What has two equal sides and two equal angles?
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If two sides of a triangle are of equal lengths what does that say about the angles opposite those sides?

The base angles of an isosceles triangle that has two equal sides are equal.

What is a triangle that has two equal sides and no equal angles?

There is no such triangle because if it has two equal sides then it must have two equal angles such as an isosceles triangle

What are the angles of a triangle with two equal sides?

Its two opposite angles will be equal...

What am I a triangle with two equal sides and two equal angles?

You are an isosceles triangle that has two equal sides and two equal angles.

Are an isosceles and a scalene triangle always similar?

No. An isosceles has two equal sides and two equal angles. A scalene has no equal sides and no equal angles.

A sort of triangle as equal angles and sides?

An isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides and two equal angles.

What are the types of the triangle?

Equilateral Triangle- 3 equal sides, 3 equal angles which are ALWAYS 60 degrees. Isosceles Triangle- Two equal sides, Two equal angles Scalene Triangle- No equal sides, and no equal angles

What is an isosoceles triangle?

An isosceles triangle is a triangle with two equal sides and two equal angles. The two equal sides are called the legs, and the angle between them is called the vertex angle. The two other angles in an isosceles triangle are equal and are called the base angles.

What is a shape that has two equal sides and four right angles?

A rectangle has two sets of two equal sides and four right angles.

What can be said about the two angles that contain the base of an isosceles triangle?

The two angles have the same measure; they are equal. An iscosceles triangle has two equal sides. It also has two equal angles, and each of these angles will be opposite one of the equal sides. The two angles will also each contain the base. The two angles must be equal.

What 2d triange has 2 equal sides and 2 angles?

An Isoceles triangle has two equal sides and two equal angles (though all triangles have three angles)

An isosceler triangle has two equal sides?

Yes! An isosceles triangle has 2 equal sides and two base angles equal.