

What hundred does 99 round to?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What hundred does 99 round to?
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It will round up, as it ends with a 99 to give 6000 as the answer.

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Any number between 96-99.

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9 hundred 99 million and 1 (999000001) :) but you probably meant what comes after 9 hundred 99 million 9 hundred 99 thousand 9 hundred 99? (999999999) that would be 1 billion (1000000000)

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If you were told to round two digit numbers to the closest 100, you could round everything from 10-99 to the nearest 100, inclusive of 10 and 99. I.e all two-digit numbers round up to 100. This is because "to the nearest hundred" does not mean "up to 100, or down to zero", since "zero" is not in the "hundred's" catagory. i.e you can only round up to 100.This means you have 89 seperate two-digit number which will round up to 100.

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To the nearest hundred it will round down to zero.

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