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Take the mean (or average) of the two middle numbers.

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Q: What if i have an even set of numbers when I'm trying to work out the median?
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What happens when you are left with two numbers of the same value how do you work out the median?

If the two numbers are the same value, then that is the median.

How do you work out the median of 53 55 61 61 76 98 105 120?

You put the numbers in order. As there are 8 numbers, and even amount, the median is halfway between the two middle numbers. In this case, that is 61 and 76. The median is therefore 68.5 as it is halfway between them, or the result if you add them and divide by 2.

How do you work out the median from an even set of numbers?

if you had these numbers; 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and you crossed off all the numbers to get 4 and 5 the median would either be the number between them; 4.5 or you could say there is no median; nm hope this helps :D

How do you work out median?

Add up all the numbers. Then divide by how many numbers there were.

How do you work out the median of set of 7 numbers?

It is usually the middle two numbers.

How do you get a median from an even amount of numbers?

for eg 6 numbers: 1,2,3,4,5,6 median = 3+4/2 =3.5 ^ take the 2 middle numbers, add them, then divide by 2=3.5(work bellow) ^ 3+4=7 7 divided by 2= 3.5

What is the median of 6 7 10 8 9 8?

So the median of a set of numbers, is the number which is exactly in the middle of all the numbers when sorted. So take your set of numbers, {6,7,10,8,9,8} and sort them so we get {6,7,8,8,9,10} If we work in from the left and right removing one number at a time we get: {7, 8, 8, 9} and then {8, 8} Meaning the median is 8. (When you have an even amount of numbers, you have to average the two numbers remaing (in this case 8 and 8), however when you have an odd amount of numbers you will only have 1 left, and that is the median)

How do you work out the median if you have six numbers in the set?

all you have to do is find the two middle numbers, add them u, and divide by two. the answer is the median. You line the numbers up in order of lowest to highest: 1 2 3 4 5 6 To work out the median you find out the average/mean of the middle 2 numbers: 3 4 (3+4)/2 = 3.5 Therefore the median is 3.5 Or you could just work out the middle number e.g 3 and 4 the middle would 3.5

How do you work out the median for a set of eight numbers?

Arrange the numbers in ascending order, and then take the mean of the fourth and fifth number.

What does mean mode range and mediam mean?

The range is the spread of data - the largest number minus the smallest. The mean, mode and median are types of average. The mean is the sum of the numbers divided by the number of numbers (e.g. the mean of 1, 1, 3, 5 and 8) is 3.6). The mode is the number that appears most often (1 for the previous example). The median is the 'middle number'. To work it out, place the numbers in order from lowest to highest. If the number of numbers is odd, the median is the number in the middle (3 for the given example). If the number of numbers is even, the median is the mean of the two middle numbers (e.g. for 1, 1, 3 and 5, the middle numbers are 1 and 3 so the median is 2). The mean and median often are similar but the mode is often greatly different to the two other averages.

Why do you work out the median?

you would put the data set in order form least to greatest, then you set aside the numbers until you have the number in the center so in data set 1,2,3,4,5 the median is 3 because that number is in the center :) HOWEVER if you have an even amount of numbers you would go as foar into the middle as you can until you have 2 numbers so like 1,2,3,4 you would take 2 and 3 add them together (2+3) and divide them by two (5/2) then you would have the median (2.5) although it is not in the data set. :) i hope that helps and im sorry if you don't understand :)

What if the median has 6 values how do you work it out?

A median can have only one value.