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Q: What if the same number does not occur more than once in a maths mode?
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How do you work out the mode in maths when no number occurs more than once?

If there is no single number that occurs more than once, either every number in the set is the mode or there is no mode - check with your teacher to see which answer he/she wants you to use.

What does the word mode in maths mean?

In any given set of numbers, the mode is the number that appears most often. If no number appears more frequently than any other, there is no mode.

What is a moad in maths?

In any given set, the mode is the number that appears most often. If no number appears more frequently than any other, there is no mode.

How do you do mode in maths?

the mode is the highest occurring of term in a number sequence. eg:- 23,24,25,14,25,14,16,23,25,25...... here the mode is 25,as it is occurring more than the other numbers

Can there be more than 1 mode in maths?


What does the mode mean in maths?

In any given set, the mode is the number that appears most often. If no number appears more frequently than any other, there is no mode. Ex. (10, 17, 20, 45, 68) This set has no mode.

What does mode?

mode means if there is More of that number

What is the mode of 233 233 299 324 324 399?

No single number appears more than all others, but both 233 and 324 occur twice and could be said to be the mode.

How do you find a mode of a set of numbers?

he mode is the number showed more hen once . and it can be more the one number .

How do you find the factors of a number with 3 or more digits?


How do you find the mode when there s two?

The mode can be more than one number

What does mode meam?

The mode is the number that appears more often. ex) 1,2,5,9,1,1 The mode would be 1