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Q: What if your sample consists of four elements what percentage of each one is your sample made of?
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How do a control sample and an experimental sample differ from each other?

A control sample is the experiment under regular conditions. An experimental sample is the experiment in which different variables are changed.

What is a algebra mapping?

A mapping consists of two sets and a rule for assigning to each element in the first set one or more elements in the second set. We say that A is mapped to B and write this as m: A→B.

How is stratified sampling applied?

Stratified sampling is used where the population to be sampled can be divided into subsets, called strata, according to some criterion. Each of these strata are then treated as population and random samples representing the same sampling proportion are taken from each stratum. This ensures that in the overall sample, the number from each stratum is proportional to the size of the stratum in the population. So, for example, if the population consists of 100 boys and 150 girls and you want a sample of 25. The overall sampling proportion is 25/(100+150) = 25/250 = 1/10. So the sampling procedure is to take a simple random sample of 10 boys out of 100 and a simple random sample of 15 girls out of 150. If the whole sample were selected randomly, there is only a 17% probability that it would have been 10 boys and 15 girls. Stratification ensures both genders are represented proportionally in the sample.

How is a sample is termed if it has similar characteristics to the population being studied.?

what is the type of sample in which each member of the sample set or group has an equal chance of being chosen

How is sample is termed if it has similar characteristics to the population being studied.?

what is the type of sample in which each member of the sample set or group has an equal chance of being chosen

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Is the distribution of sample means always a normal distribution If not why?

It need not be if: the number of samples is small; the elements within each sample, and the samples themselves are not selected independently.

What is the sample space of a coin tossed n times?

The sample space consists of 2n ordered n-tuples of the form (X1, X2, ..., Xn) where each Xi = H or T.

What are the principles of random sampling?

Each member of the population must have the same probability of being included in the sample. Equivalently, each set of elements comprising a sample must have the same probability of being selected.

How do you get a sample on critter forge?

use a sample container and drag it to the critter to take in a sample.You can also buy a sample in the auction.Sometimes it does not work when you drag it to a critter as each container only has a certain percentage of success.

What is the percentage of silt and clay in a sample of sand?

depends on the kind of soil, each kind would have different composition, in fact the kind is defined by the percentage of sand,silt and clay it has.

How many element in crude oil and what are they how many percentage of each element is contained in crude oil?

Crude oil is primarily composed of carbon and hydrogen, with smaller amounts of nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and trace elements. The percentage of each element in crude oil varies, but on average it consists of about 84-87% carbon, 11-14% hydrogen, and smaller amounts of the other elements.

What percentage of a radioactive sample remains after 5 half-lives?

After 5 half-lives, 3.125% (or 1/2^5) of a radioactive sample remains. Each half-life reduces the sample by half, so after 5 half-lives, there is only a small fraction of the original sample remaining.

What is non-destructive technique for identifying and quantifying trace elements in a test sample?

One non-destructive technique for identifying and quantifying trace elements in a test sample is X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy. This method involves irradiating the sample with X-rays, which causes the atoms to emit fluorescence radiation unique to each element present. By analyzing the energy and intensity of this fluorescence radiation, the composition of trace elements in the sample can be determined without destroying it.

If the Revenue for the week is 2000 and labor cost consists of two workers earning 8 per hour who work 40 hours each what is labor cost as a percentage of Revenue?

If the Revenue for the week is 2000 and labor cost consists of two workers earning 8 per hour who work 40 hours each, the labor cost as a percentage is 68%.

What is the difference between a simple random sample and a stratified random sample?

Sometimes a population consists of a number of subsets (strata) such that members within any particular strata are alike while difference between strata are more than simply random variations. In such a case, the population can be split up into strata. Then a stratified random sample consists of simple random samples, with the same sampling proportion, taken within each stratum.

What three types of information are needed on order to find an empirical formula from percentage composition data?

· Assume that you have 100.0 g sample of the compound · Calculate the amount of each element in the sample · Convert the mass composition of each element to a composition in moles by dividing by the appropriate molar mass

How do scientists determine the elements in a star since they cannot collect a sample from a star?

They analyze the star's spectrum. Each element produces characteristic lines in a spectrum.