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(They Were Able To Find The Orbit Of a Comet And Predict The Year Of its Return)

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Q: What important discovery was made by edmond halley and alexis clairaut using newtons ideas of mathematics and gravity?
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What important discovery was made by Edmond Halley and Alexis Clairaut using Newton and ideas of mathematics and gravity?

(They Were Able To Find The Orbit Of a Comet And Predict The Year Of its Return)

What important discovery was made by edmond halley and alexis clairaut using newton ideas of mathematics and gravity?

(They Were Able To Find The Orbit Of a Comet And Predict The Year Of its Return)

What important discovery was made by edmond halley and alexis clairaut using newtons idea of mathematics and gravity?

They were able to find the orbit of a comet and predict the year of it's return.

Isaac Newton field of science?

Isaac newtons first field of study was the discovery of gravity

What was albert Einstein's important phase of fame?

the discovery of gravity =mc2

Why is Sir Isaac Newton's discovery of Gravity important?

Gravity is the major force in the Universe controlling matter. Gravity controls the structure of the Universe.

What was the importance of alexis clairaut's correct of when Halley's comet would return?

It proved that Isaac newton's Theories Of Motion And Gravity are correct.

What was Isacc newton greatest discovery?

The Law of Gravity was Isaac Newton's greatest discovery. This Law ushered in a New Age of Mathematics based science; settled a controversy about the heavens; and extended the domain of science to the Universe.

What is Sir Isaac Newton discovery?

His great discovery was the law of gravity

What was newton's major discovery?


Who is galilei in physics?

Galileo Galilei. Perhaps his most important discovery was finding that acceleration due to gravity is independent of the objects mass.

What is the greatest discovery in the history of mankind?

discovery of gravity by Sir Isaac Newton