

What instrument measures solid objects?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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The answer will depend on what characteristic of the object is being measured: its mass, volume, surface area, colour, density etc.

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Q: What instrument measures solid objects?
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A torsion balance, a.k.a. Cavendish balance.

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All you need is a scale. you should use a scale that measures in grams.

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The body temperature is measured by a thermometer, the instrument to measure heat contents of objects is called a calorimeter. Don't confuse heat with temperature.

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graduated cylindergraduated cylinderSubmerge your solid in a liquid the liquid volume displaced is equal to your irregular solid volume.

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If you have a ruler then you could measure the length width and height and then multiply them together. (LWH is the formula)

What instrument measures the volume of a regular solid?

L x W x H Lenght x Width x Hieght

What measures solid density?

Density = Mass / Volume. There is not an instrument that will measure both so you will need to measure them separately and calculate the density.

What instrument is used to measures mass?

This instrument is a balance.

What instrument measures changes in the tilt of the earth?

A tiltmeter measures changes in the tilt of the earth. :)A tiltmeter is an instrument that measures changes in the tilt of the earth. :)

What instrument measures the volume of a square solid?

A ruler no a better way is by dropping the cube in a liquid containg beaker displaced liquid will give you the volume

What instrument measures the volume of a regular cubic solid?

Any measure of length such as a ruler, yard stick, meter stick, tape measure, etc.