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The square root of 65 is between the integers of 8 and 9

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Q: What integer is between square root of 65?
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What is the square root 65?

The square root of 65 is approximately 8.06

64 square must lie between what two one decimal place?

Square root of 65 lies between 8.0 and 8.1. Explanation: Squares of natural numbers are {1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,...}, which are squares of {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,....} As 65 lies between 64 and 81, square root of 65 lies between 8 and 9 Further, 8.12 = 65.61 and as 8.02 = 64, square root of 65 lies between 8.0 and 8.1.

What is the square root of 65 simplified?

The square root of 65 cannot be simplified.

Whole number closest to the square root of 65?

The whole number closest to the square root of 65 is 8. The whole number closest to the square root of 65 is 8.

What is the square root of 9360. Simplified?

It is: 12 times the square root of 65

Is 8.3 greater than less than or equal to the square root of 65?

It is greater because the square root of 65 is 8.06.

Is the square root of 65 between 6 and 7 on a number line?

No, between 8 and 9, very close to eight.

Is the square root of 65 between 7 and 8?

NO!!! The square root of '65' is between 8 & 9. Remember 8^2 = 64 & 9^2 = 81 By Trial and Error 8.1^(2) = 65.61 8.05^(2) = 64.8025 8.06^(2) = 64.9636 8.065^(2) = 65.044225 8.064^(2) = 65.028096 8.063^(2) = 65.65.0119... 8.062^(2) = 64.9958... 8.0622^(2) = 64.999... 8.06225^(2) = 64.99987... 8.062255^(2) = 64.99995569 ~ 65 Hence the Square Root of '65' is 8.062255 ... To 5 d.p.

What is the positive square root of 65?


What sithe square root of 4225?

It is: 65

What is the square root of 4232?

Just over 65 (65 squared = 4225)