122=CXXII in Roman numerals.
130 = CXXX in Roman numerals
122 = CXXII
122 quintupled is 122*5=610. 610 in Roman numerals is DCX.
Cxxii (122), cxxiii (123), cxxiv (124), cxxv (125), cxxvi (126), cxxvii (127), cxxviii (128), cxxix (129, cxxx (130)... (by the way, I can't capitalize the letters because the website won't let me)
The Roman numerals given are invalid because they are not arranged properly but if you mean: CX, LVII and CXXII then they are 110, 57 and 122 respectively
using Roman numerals: CXXXwhere C=100, X=10
130 is the mean of 122 and 138
124 + 130 + 100 + 122 + 124/5 = 120