289 sqft (17 x 17 = 289)
1 cent = 435.6 sqft. 435.6*12.41 = 5405.796 sqft.
If you meant: How does one measure the area of a circle in Sqft, The formula is: Pi x Radius in Ft squared. i.e. Area of circle in SqFt. =(22/7) x Radius in Ft x Radius in Ft.
200 lbs per sqft
It's the same as a room 1 ft wide, 2600 ft long.
An acre is 43,560 sqft. That would put the closest dimensions for a square acre at approximately:208.71 ft x 208.71 ft(most people I know free hand the math using either 200 ft x 200 ft or 210ft x 210 ft for approximate measurement)The correct acreage for 300ft x 300ft is:2.066 acres
16 x 10 = 160 square feet
Each square tile would be 1.5 ft *1.5 ft or 2.25 sqft Therefore assuming you don't break any tiles you would need 64 tiles. 144 sqft total / (2.25 sqft per tile) = 64
1440 Sq. Ft
20 x 60 = 1200 sq ft
18000 sq ft = 0.41322 acres