1 liter = 1000ml. 1642/100 = 1.642L = 2L (to nearest liter)
The English Civil War, which lasted from 1642 to 1651, was responsible for slowing the number of settlers to New England.
1 liter = 1000ml. 1642/100 = 1.642L = 2L (to nearest liter)
The phone number of the Bloomingdale Regional Library is: 813-635-1642.
To answer your question would require weeks of research. Does not appear to be in the normal serial number convention.
No, 1642 was in the 17th century.
1 2 821 1642.
The phone number of the Treganza Anthropology Museum is: 415-338-1642.
1642 in Scientific Notation = 1.642 x 103