It goes: 198/22 = 9 times
It goes: 28/3 = 9 times with a remainder of 1
It is: 9/22 times 100 = 40.9% to one decimal place
It is : 22 times 9 = 198
To find out how many times 9 goes into 198, you would divide 198 by 9. The result of this division is 22, which means that 9 goes into 198 22 times without any remainder. This is because 9 multiplied by 22 equals 198.
22 times
15 multiplied by 22/9 = 36 2/3
______ 9*22/7 = 28.285714
3 * 2 4/9 = 3 * 22/9 = 22/3
5 times with a remainder of 9
22 times, with 4 left over.