

What is 200 less than 1 750?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: What is 200 less than 1 750?
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Less than one. 1 mile = 5,280 feet. One meter = a little over three feet, therefor 750 meters is about, call it 750 * 3.3, or about 2500 feet, so it's less than half a mile.

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Much less. 1000mls are in a litre.

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What is two different ways i could explain to a friend that 127.5 divide by 1.7 cannot have a quotient of 750.?

1) Do the actual division. 2) Do the multiplication (750 x 1.7), and see whether it is, or isn't, 127.5. 3) Do some approximations: 3a. If you divide 127.5 by a number greater than 1, the answer will always be LESS than 127.5. 3b. If you do the multiplication of 750 by a number GREATER THAN 1, you'll get a result that is greater than 750.

Is 750 prime?

NO. 750 is not a prime number because it has other factors than 1 and 750.