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Q: Would the number of prime numbers in the interval 101-200 be less than that in 1-100?
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How do you get an interval?

to get an interval, you must first get an answer. cause if i give yo the answer, it would b wrong to get an interval you have to make a graph, or a histogram, then in that graph you would make the smallest number smaller by one, make the biggest number bigger by one, then round to a number between that for all the numbers, and WALLA you have your interval!

How do I write an interval notion and graph is a set of real numbers that would be less than or equal to -4?

For an interval of numbers, two types of brackets are used, [] and (), the first signifies that interval includes the number before/after it and the latter indicate the interval includes everything upto that value.e.g.[0,2] indicates an interval of all real numbers from 0 to 2 including those numbers(-1,6) indicates an interval of all real numbers between -1 and 6 but not -1 and 6 themselves[5,12) indicates an interval of all real numbers from 5 upto but not including 12and (-9,-2] indicates an interval of all real numbers from -2 down to but not including, an interval of real numbers less than and equal to -4 would be (-­∞,-4], we use a ( for -∞ as, obviously, infinity can never be reached.To graph line intervals, we use a solid line along the interval and use filled circles, •, to signify that the point it is on is included in the interval, and empty circles, ○, to signify the point it is on is not included in the interval. So an interval of [5,12) would be drawn like this,•--------------------○5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12the drawing for (-­∞,-4] would simply be a straight solid line from the end of the negative side of the number line upto -4 with a • to show that -4 is included.

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Would a patient's case number be a ratio or interval scale?

Case number would be nominal scale; the number has no meaning.

What is the 1st irrational number?

There is no first irrational number. Irrational numbers are infinitely dense which means that there are infinitely many of them in any interval. So if any number laid claim to being the first, there would be infinitely many that would be between 0 and that number. Each one of them would then have a better claim to be "first".

What would be the interval of 19 -34?


What is the first 200 odd numbers added together?

You can use the formula for the sum of an arithmetic sequence for this one. The first odd number would presumably be 1; the interval between one number and the next is 2.

What is the mode of grouped and ungrouped data?

If you have calculated a histogram of your data, the mode is the interval with the highest relative frequency. If you have not created a histogram, and your dataset contains finite numbers (fixed decimal numbers), with some numbers repeating, then those numbers that repeat the most would be the mode. Otherwise, if you do not group your data, where you select an interval to calculate relative frequency, then a mode is not identifiable.

What would be a general rule for composite numbers less 100?

There is no general rule. There is no general rule for primes in any interval and, by extension, there is none for composites.

Would a negative whole number also be a counting number?

No. Negative numbers are not counting numbers.

Why do number lines have numbers in them?

Because if they did not, then they would not be number lines!

What would the median number be of the numbers 21323?

the answer would be 2