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225 is 152= 15*15

= 3*5*3*5

= 32* 52

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Q: What is 225 wriiten as a product of factors greater than 1?
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The terms (factors) used in multiplication are the multiplicand (the factor being multiplied), the multiplier (the factor that the multiplicand is multiplied by) and the product (the answer, or results of the multiplication). Any time either of the factors is greater than the other by at least one, the product will always be greater than the largest factor.

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That only happens if they're both improper fractions, i.e. greater than ' 1 '.

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Products will be greater unless your number set includes a number less than 1.

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Two numbers that have no common factors greater than one are considered co-prime or relatively prime. Their LCM is their product.

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