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2.44 x 10^3 or 2.440 x 10^3

In scientific notation, there is only one number to the left of the decimal point which is not zero. The resulting decimal is multiplied by ten to a certain power; for every place the decimal point was moved left, the power is increased by one (204 = 2.04 x 10^2, since the decimal point not shown to the immediate right of 4 moved left twice to make 204 2,04). Likewise, for every place the decimal point must move to the right, the power increases by one, but it also becomes negative as well. (.02 = 2. x 10^-2) Another way of looking at this is that you are moving a negative amount of spaces to the left. To put 2,440 in scientific notation, move the decimal place to the left 3 times; the resulting number is 2.440 x 10^3. Since there is a zero on the end and there is no decimal place (it isn't written 2440.), 2,440 is ambiguous; we don't know if the end zero is a significant figure or not, so technically it could be either 2.440 x 10^3 or 2.44 x 10^3; we can't know for sure if the person who measured 2440 measured it our to the last four or to the 0.

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2.44 x 10^3

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