25 is what percent of 37= 25 / 37= 0.675676Converting the decimal to a percentage: 0.675676 * 100 = 67.57%
0.675 repeating
Just divide 24 by 25 and the answer you get is: 0.96. This would be the decimal equavalent
37/4 as a decimal = 9.2537/4:= 37 ÷ 4= 9.25 in decimal
-37 is the ratio of -37 to 1 . It's completely rational.
for example A=2 B=8 the ratio will be 2:8 which is the same as 2/8=0.250 as a decimal then you can either do it mentally or by calculator 0.250*100 is 25 which gives you 25%
To convert 37% to decimal divide by 100: 37% ÷ 100 = 0.37
A decimal is simply way of representing a ratio.
37 over 8 in decimal form = 4.62537/8:= 37 ÷ 8= 4.625 in decimal
37/300:= 37 ÷ 300= 0.1233 n decimal