In decimal notation it is 3.25.
29% in decimal form is 0.29.
29/1000 as a decimal is 0.029
29% = 0.29 (just divide percents by 100 to get the decimal).
Expressed as a decimal, 29/100 is equal to 0.29.
Expressed in decimal form, 5 29/1000 is equal to 5.029.
To write 29 hundredths in standard form, you would express it as a decimal number. 29 hundredths is equivalent to 0.29 in decimal form. In standard form, you would write this as 0.29.
As 29 is a whole number, if you wish to make it a decimal number, all you have to do is add a .0 to the end. This, 29.0 is the decimal form of 29.
3.222... is 29/9
It is 7.3625