

What is 2 parts of a circle?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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11y ago

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Parts of a circle include the diameter, circumference, radius, and center. The diameter of a circle is a chord passing through the center. The center is a single point at which the distance to locations on the circumference are equal. The circumference is the perimeter of the circle. The radius of the circle is half the diameter, and the distance from the center to a point on the outlying circumference.

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Only the diameter can divide the circle in to two equal parts.

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Circumference of a circle = 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi Area of a circle = pi*radius squared Radius of a circle = diameter/2 Degrees around a circle = 360 degrees

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There are five parts of a circle. They are-1.Radius: It is the parts of the circle that be defined as the distance between the center of the cirlce and a point on the circle.2.Diameter: It is the parts of the circle that be defined as the distance between the two point on the circle which cross through the center of the circle. Note: Every diameter of a circle is a chord; however, not every chord is a diameter. Whether a chord passes through the center determines if it is or is not the diameter.3.Chord: It is the parts of the circle that be defined as the line whose end points are on the circle.4.Secant Line: This line intersects the circle exactly at two points.5.Tangent Line: This line intersects the circle on the point.Thus we can define parts of a circle.

How do you separate a circle in 3 parts with 2 lines?

Any two lines that intersect the circle but do not meet each other will do that.

A graph that uses sectors of a circle to compare parts to the whole and parts to other parts?

it is a circle graph

What 3 parts does a circle divide a plane into?

The three parts are:the interior of the circle, the points on the circle (points on its circumference) the outside of the circle.

What is the 4 parts of a circle?

Quarter circle

What is a line that hits a circle at two points?

A chord is a straight line within a circle that divides the circle into two parts - these parts are called arcs.The diameter is a chord that runs through the centre of the circle and divides the circle into two equal parts.

How can you find the estimate for a circle in a grid paper?

count squares completely inside the circle count squares partially in the circle but divide those by 2 add both parts above.