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23*3 = 29 = 512

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Q: What is 2 to the third power times the exponent 3?
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What is 2 to the third power times 2 to the third power times 2 to the third power equal?


What is the exponent of 2 to the third power equals 8?

3 and, implicitly, 1.

What is twenty-five to the third power?

253 = 25 * 25 * 25 == 15,625 A power, or exponent is just the base number times itself, that many times. so 23 is the same as 2*2*2 = (2*2=4) * 2 = 8

How do you identify the base and exponent in the expression two to third power?

The base is the large number, and is the number being multiplied; the exponent is the smaller number on the upper right, which says how many times the base is multiplied. 23 says that 2 is multiplied 3 times, so: 2 X 2 X 2. In this case, the base is 2, and the exponent is 3.

What rule allows us to change the sign of an exponent?

1 divided by a number with an exponent is the same as the number to the exponent of opposite sign. For example 1 divided by 2 to the third power is the same as 2 to the minus 3 power

What does power of 3 mean in math?

A number to the power of 3 (colloquially to the third power) refers to raising the number by an exponent of 3. An exponent of a number represents how many times that number is multiplied by itself.For example:2 to the power of 3 is the same as 23, which is the same as 2 x 2 x 2 = 8.

What is 2 to the third power times 2 to the third power?

since 2 to the third power(2x2x2)=8Then two to the third power times two to the third power(8x8) = 642x2x2 = 8

What is the exponent for 3 times 2 times 3?

2 3 x 2 Three to the second power times two

What are the parts of an exponent?

52 (5 is the base and 2 is the exponent or power). The 2 says to multiply 5 by itself 2 times. 5*5 = 25

What is the exponent to 7 to the second power?

The exponent is 2 - from the SECOND power.

What is two to the third power times a to the seventh power times two a to the third power?

If you mean: 2^3 times 2^7 times 2^3 then it equals 8192

What is the difference between base and exponent?

lol dont be silly. google it. jk um, base is like 2. exponent is like to what power you are multiplying the base. 2^3 is 2 times 2 times 2 which equals 8