In order to get the percentage of any number, you need to know how to convert the number to a decimal.
Since all whole numbers like 20, 56, 78, etc. have invisible decimal places to the right of the last number, (for example, the number 20 is 20., and the number 56 is 56.) we can infer that the number 35 is 35. . (Note the decimal point and period are not the same thing here)
So now that we have the decimal 35., we need to make the percentage equivalent of it. To make a decimal the same as a percentage, move the decimal point two places to the left.Hence, 35. would become .35.
Now all you need to do is multiply the number you want the percentage of by the decimal equivalent of a percentage that we created. So multiply 210 x .35, and your answer is 73.5. So 35% of 210 is $73.50.
210 as a percentage of 600 = 100*210/600 = 35%
210= 35%/100% * 600= 35/100 * 600= 0.35 * 600= 210
210 100 - 65 = 35 35% = 0.35 600 x 0.35 = 210
35% of 600 = (35/100)x600 = 35x6 = 210.
To find 6 percent of a value, multiply the value by 0.06. In this instance, 0.06 x 3500 = 210. Therefore, 6 percent of 3500 dollars is 210 dollars.
35 is the answer. 210 divided by 6 is 35.
It is: 210