To answer this we need to look at the 2nd decimal place. if the 2nd decimal place is 5 or larger then we add 1 to the 1st decimal place, if it is 4 or less than we do not add 1 and just truncate the rest of the digits.
12.45 = 12.5 (because 5 needs to be rounded up)
12.31 = 12.3 (because 3 is less than 5)
So, 342.3846 = 342.4 since 8 is larger than 4
It is already rounded to exactly that degree.
It is 44.3 when rounded to one decimal place
It is then 5.7 when rounded to one decimal place
978.229 rounded to one decimal place is 978.2
3.05 rounded to one decimal place is 3.1.
44.98 rounded to one decimal place is 45.0
13.3131 rounded to one decimal place = 13.3
1.13 rounded to one decimal place is 1.1
It is 60.0 rounded to one decimal place and not 59.9
10.27 rounded to one decimal place = 10.3
3.214 rounded to one decimal place is 3.2
0.086 rounded to one decimal place is 0.1.