

What is 36pi?

Updated: 12/21/2022
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Q: What is 36pi?
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What is the radius of a circle whose area is 36pi cm2?

It is: 6 cm because pi*62 = 36pi square cm

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36pi or 113

What is the answer to a equals 36pi cm to the 2nd power?


What is the area of a circle with a radius of six?

36pi, or around 113.0973

The area of a circle that has a radius of 6 feet?

A = pi * r2 = pi * 62 = 36pi = 113.1 sq. ft.

What is the volume of a sphere if the radius is 3?

is the formula for volume of a sphere.Now just plug in 3 for r. You should get 36pi

What is the surface area of a sphere with a radius of 3 cm?

Surface area = 4*pi*32 = 36pi square cm

What is the surface area of a closed hemisphere with a volume of 36pi?

The curved surface area is 89.76527 units2 and the total surface area is 134.6479 units2

What is the volume of this cylinder that had a radius of 6 inches and a height of 8 inches?

Vol=pi*r2*h =pi*6squared*8 =36pi*8 =288pi

What is the area of a circle when the radius is 6?

the area of a circle is found by the formula (pi)r^2 ...pi times the radius squared... so in this case, 36pi

What is the area of the circle that has a diamert 12 feet?

A=pi*radius^2 so 12/2=6 ==> radius so 36pi square feet is the area

What is the lateral area of a cylinder with a radius of 3 feet and a height of 6 feet?

Since LA of a cylinder is 2(pi)(r)(h) It would be 36pi or 113.1ft2