It helps to have some brackets to know what the order is, without them we will use the order of operations and do the multiplication first 8x78=624 40-624+9= -575
8060 Source: calculator
12 - 78 + 2397543 - 124 + 3 = 2397356
13 + 14 - 105 = -78
78 minus78
It is: (85*2)+(78*8) = 794
20, The pattern goes half (154/2 = 77), plus four (77 + 4 = 81), minus three (81 - 3 = 78), and then repeat.
you can use google. *= times +=plus -=minus ^= powers sqrt= square root /=devide type number then % then number for percent (50% of 78= 39)
78 - 21 = 57
116 - 78 = 38
161 - 78 = 83
78 - 5.683 = 72.317
1516 - 78 = 1438