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Q: What is 4 and 4 thousandths more than 4.233?
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If you mean 1.421 plus 3.004 then it is 4.425

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4 thousandths = 0.004. So 5.585 - 0.004 = 5.581

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6.791 4 thousandths = 4/1000 = 0.004 6.795 0.004 - ------ 6.791 ====

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7.184 the 1 is tenths the 2 is hundredths the 4 is thousandths

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How do you round 2.0346 to the nearest thousandth?

Look at the thousandths place. It is a 4. Now look at the ten thousandths place. It is a 6. The 6 is more than half the way to 10; so round the 4 up to a 5. Answer: 2.035

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What is 4 and 3 thousandths more than 2.243?

2.243 + 4.003 = 6.2462.243 + 4.003 = 6.2462.243 + 4.003 = 6.2462.243 + 4.003 = 6.246

4 and 8 ten thousandths in decimal?

4 ten thousandths = 0.00048 ten thousandths = 0.0008

Which number is in the thousandths 7.364?

It is 4 that is in the thousandths place

What is 11.22474 to the nearest thousand?

You probably mean thousandths. If so, let's work this out together. Bear with me. 11.22474 (works out to) 11.2(tenths)2(hundredths)4(thousandths)7(ten-thousandths)4(hundred-thousandths) So, look at the thousandths position, it is "4." Rounded to the nearest, you need to look at the next number, the ten-thousandths place, which is "7." Since it is higher than five (5), we are rounding up. Four (4) becomes five (5); and, your final answer is 11.225, rounded up.