

What is 4 less than 10x a number?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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10n - 4

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Q: What is 4 less than 10x a number?
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Four less than ten times a number?

10x - 4

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The terms"to, from and than" change the order of the math sentence. Four less than a number "g" is g-4.

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Each time you go down in pH you have 10x more than before. So pH 7 to pH6 is 10x more. And if you're going back up, you have 10x less.So how much more H ions do you have from pH7 to pH 5? 100x moreAnd pH3 to ph5? .01x more (or 100x less).The answer to your question is 10x less.

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What number less than 19 has more than 4 factors?

There are a few numbers that are less than 19 and have more than 4 factors. The number 10 is less than 19 and has more than four factors.